



Channel Palpation and the Utilisation of Classical Theory
By Jason D. Robertson and C.T. Holman


Channel Palpation
By Wang Ju-Yi and Jason Robertson


An Interview with Dr. Wang Ju-Yi
By Daniel Maxwell


Interview with Professor Wang Juyi, World-Renowned Acupuncturist: Part 1 of 2
By James X Liu


Interview with Professor Wang Juyi, World-Renowned Acupuncturist: Part 2 of 2

Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Vol. 6 Issue 2, 2011.

By James X Liu


On the Nature of Channels
By Professor Wang Ju-yi
Translated and edited by Jason D. Robertson


Point-Pair Synergy: An Example of Theory and Practice in the Treatment of Immune Disorders
By Jason D. Robertson


The Clinical Significance of Palpable Channel Changes

Journal of Chinese Medicine, June 2012

By Wang Ju-yi and Mei Li


First International Wang Ju-Yi Channel Theory Symposium

North American Journal of Oriental Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 60, March 2014.

By Jeffrey Dann


Respecting Our Ancestors and Searching for our Roots: The Source for the Cultivation and Establishment of Applied Channel Theory

North American Journal of Oriental Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 60, March 2014.

By Wang Ju-Yi

Translated by Jonathan Chang


A Discussion of Differences between Hand Shao Yin and Hand Jue Yin Channel Indications

North American Journal of Oriental Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 60, March 2014.

By Wang Hong-Min

Translated by Jonathan Chang


The Tail Wags the Dog: Development in Oriental Medicine Outside China and a New Beijing Phenomenon

North American Journal of Oriental Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 60, March 2014

By Jason D. Robertson


A Comparison of Dr. Wang Ju-yi’s Diagnosis through Meridian-Channel Palpation and Early Acupuncture Literature

North American Journal of Oriental Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 61, July 2014

By Shelley Ochs


Channel Examination: The Faithful, Unfailing Guide in the Clinic, North American Journal of Oriental Medicine

Vol. 21, No. 61, July 2014.

By Jonathan Chang


Dr. Wang Ju-yi, Tai Yin Energetics, and Acupuncture in a Changing World, North American Journal of Oriental Medicine

Vol. 21, No. 61, July 2014.

By Jeffrey Dann


The Cultural Narrative of the Channel System

North American Journal of Oriental Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 61, July 2014.

By Nyssa Tang


Yangsheng and the Channels

Journal of Chinese Medicine, No. 107, February 2015.

By Jason Roberston


Dr. Wang Ju-yi’s Clinical Case Studies: Treatment of Eczema with Applied Channel Theory

California Journal of Oriental Medicine, Vol. 26, No.1, Spring/Summer 2015. 

By Jonathan W. Chang


The Treatment of Constraint According to Applied Channel Theory

Journal of Chinese Medicine, Number 113, February 2017. 

By Jonathan W. Chang

Where the Rivers Meet- Currents of Thinking in East Asian Medicine

Final Issue of The Lantern 2023

By Jonathan W. Chang and Jason Robertson

Remembering Wang Ju-yi

Journal of Chinese Medicine, Number 115, October 2017.

By Jason Robertson, Yefim Gamgoneishvili, Nyssa Tang, Jonathan Chang and Mei Li. 




《对穴”临床治体验》  北京中医药杂志1996年第四期




《毫针手法医话》 北京中医药杂志1986年第五期









《经络的三阴三阳称谓及其临床意义》  中国针灸杂志1996年第三期



《王居易经络诊察法的临床应用体会》 北京中医药杂志2010年1月第29卷第一期

北京中医药大学附属护国寺中医医院·周炜、王丽平  指导:王居易


《“认祖寻根”是培育、构建经络医学理论的源泉和坚实的基础》 北京中医药2013年10月第32卷第10期



《“肺与大肠相表里”结合经络诊察的临床应用》  北京中医药2013年10月第32卷第10期

北京中医药大学附属护国寺中医医院·孟笑男、姜楠                 指导:王居易



构建经络医学理论须认祖寻根》   (pdf) 中国中医药报2013年9月2日



《针灸不离循按,治疗当辨虚实》  中国中医药报2013年9月30日

北京中医药大学附属护国寺中医医院·孟笑男   指导:王居易


 《心经与心包经主病新解》  中国中医药报2013年10月21日

北京市盲人学校针灸推拿专业·王红民  指导:王居易


《经络诊察法是临床的向导》 中国中医药报2013年11月15日

王居易名医传承工作站·张侨文 (Jonathan Chang)  指导:王居易



首都医科大学附属复兴医院月坛社区卫生服务中心·於堃   指导:王居易






北京市盲人学校针灸推拿专业·王红民  指导:王居易



 北京市盲人学校针灸推拿专业·王红民  指导:王居易












Autoren: Wang Ju-Yi und Jason Robertson

Wang Ju-Yi (王居易) und seine Vorstellungswelt
Autoren: Jonathan Chang, Yefim Gamgoneishvili, Nyssa Tang und Jason Robertson


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